Substance Use Disorders

Causes of substance use disorders

There are many reasons why people engage in substance misuse and other unhealthy behaviours. For many people with substance use disorders, using drugs and alcohol becomes a learned way of coping with their issues, instead of reaching out to someone or seeking a healthier solution to manage grief. Many people with addictions have learned to approach certain substances in the same way that family or friends do, especially if they are seen as socially acceptable. Many people use alcohol and other substances because of environmental cues or reminders which act as triggers. Some people use them to relax, sleep, commemorate, celebrate, or to manage boredom, emotions, loneliness or physical discomfort. Substance use can initially relieve but later exacerbate the symptoms of mental health problems.

In summary, substance use disorders are caused by many factors, such as:

  • Genetic vulnerability and family history
  • Environmental stressors including work, family and relationships
  • Social and peer pressure
  • Individual personality characteristics and psychiatric problems
Symptoms Diagnosis