Complex Trauma

Symptoms and signs of complex trauma depend on the type and severity, but may include: 

  • Feeling disconnected from yourself
  • Problems with handling intense emotions
  • Sudden and unexpected shifts in mood – for example, feeling very sad for no reason
  • Depression or anxiety problems, or both
  • Feeling as though the world is distorted or not real (called ‘derealisation’)
  • Memory problems that aren’t linked to physical injury or medical conditions
  • Other cognitive (thought-related) problems such as concentration problems
  • Significant memory lapses such as forgetting important personal information
  • Feeling compelled to behave in a certain way
  • Identity confusion – for example, behaving in a way that the person would normally find offensive or abhorrent 

When should I see a health professional?

A trauma response is the person’s reaction to an event where there is the exposure to an actual or perceived threat to life or safety, which has a significant impact on a person’s emotional state. The experience of high distress and/or trauma can contribute to the development of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, psychotic disorders, and self-harm or suicidal behaviours.  

If you feel that the effects of a traumatic experience are impacting on your relationships, work, or other areas of your life, think about booking with us to discuss your concerns. If you have any thoughts of self-harm or suicide, contact emergency services immediately. 

Overview Causes