
Your GP is a good first port of call to discuss possible causes of signs and symptoms of depression. Your GP may recommend ways to find out if there are any medical causes. If medical reasons are ruled out, or your GP feels you may benefit from other types of therapy, you may be referred to see a Psychiatrist or Psychologist.

If you are referred to see a Psychologist, your GP may discuss with you about developing a Mental Health Care Plan, which will allow you to obtain a Medicare rebate (if eligible) for the cost of psychological treatment for a depressive disorder.  

Your mental health clinician will talk to you about the signs, symptoms, and impact that you have been experiencing, together with your relevant history. They may ask you to fill in some questionnaires, which will help to identify the severity and/or type of symptoms, and can also be a way of tracking if symptoms are improving with treatment. It is common that depression occur with other conditions such as anxiety. Your mental health clinician will develop a treatment plan together with you. 

Causes Treatments